Geetanjali Bhushan:放弃不是一种选择

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作者:Anna Stolley Persky

Geetanjali Bhushan With members in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, the D.C. 酒吧 is beginning a regular feature to profile the people who make up our community. Read about your peers, their lives, and their work around the world.

Geetanjali Bhushan knows from the twists and turns in her career that life does not always go according to even the best-laid plans.

“As they say, man proposes and God disposesBhushan说.

当然, Bhushan, Solstrat Solutions的创始人兼首席执行官, 她有过成功的经历吗. She has effectively represented clients in both the United States 和印度 in legal, 政府事务, 商业事务.

但布山的一些职业决定并没有成功. 在所有. Before she became a lawyer, Bhushan thought she would go into the Indian Administrative Service. 但没有成功.
Then she tried to start a creativity club for children, which also failed.

“I have often compared myself with those little ants that climb up the wallsBhushan说. “他们爬墙. 他们. 他们再次攀登. 他们又跌倒了. 他们 over and over, but eventually they make it up over that wall. 那是我.”

Bhushan says failure doesn’t stop her: “I just pick myself up and move on.”

In discussing both her failures and successes, Bhushan exudes confidence and joyfulness. As head of Solstrat Solutions, Bhushan advises companies navigating the business landscape in the U.S. 和印度. Her consulting firm helps companies target and receive state business incentive packages.


布尚出生在印度,是六个女儿中最小的一个. 她的父母对他们的孩子期望很高. “My father and my mother had planned that we would all get good education, 他们非常希望我们来美国.S. 去学习,”布山说. “他们有计划,有伟大的梦想.”

But then her father died suddenly when Bhushan was just six years old.

“Everything changed with my father’s death, and my mother had to adaptBhushan说. “My mother had to suddenly raise six girls single-handedly at a time when the girl child was not the preferred child. So, sending the girls abroad to study became a distant dream.”

Nevertheless, Bhushan was able to pursue both college and post-college degrees. She received both her bachelor of arts and master’s degree in history from the University of Delhi. She tried a few career options and traveled a bit before deciding to pursue a law degree.

“I had originally been discouraged from becoming a lawyer because, 当时, 许多人认为法律不是女性的好职业Bhushan说. “But at this point, I decided it was the only option for me, so I went to law school.”

布山1996年毕业于坎普尔大学. She is admitted to practice law in India, New York, and, most recently, the District of Columbia.

Bhushan started her career as a litigator for the Central Government Standing Counsel of India, before switching gears and going into corporate practice with Luthra & 卢斯拉澳博app事务所在新德里. At that time, there was talk of the Indian legal market opening up to foreign lawyers. Bhushan decided she might “get a leg up” if she went to the U.S. 攻读法学学士学位.M. 计划是在美国找一份澳博app事务所的工作.S., practice here for a few years, and then return to India with a new network of U.S. 接触到位.

除了, Bhushan had recently lost her mother and wanted to fulfill her parents’ dream of studying abroad.

“I believe my mother would have been happy with this decision. 我告诉我的姐妹们我想去美国读书.S.,他们说‘很好的决定’,”布尚说. “I could not have made any of the choices I made without their support. 我的姐妹们是我的安全网. 还有我的母亲,即使是现在,我也能感觉到她在守护着我.”

Bhushan赢得了她的LL.M in international legal studies from Georgetown University Law Center in 2004. 但是,在那之后,事情并没有按照她的计划进行. 布尚找不到澳博app事务所的工作. However, she was unwilling to return to India without experience under her belt. 因为布山已经学会了如何建立关系网, 她找到了工作, 只是不是她预料中的类型. 她最后加入了美国人权联盟.S. 她帮助在美国建立的初创公司India Business.S. 和印度.

负责项目和运营的副总裁, 布尚与澳博app事务所建立了联盟, 公关公司, 以及其他行业协会. She lobbied Congress 和印度n legislators on behalf of Indian and U.S. 公司在一系列经济问题上, such as legislation pertaining to privacy issues and immigration reform.

“我喜欢我的工作,”Bhushan说. “I didn’t realize until I started this job that I am someone who loves human interaction. 这个国家也改变了我. I used to be easily intimidated by people, but not anymore.”

In 2010 Bhushan returned to India to work in 政府事务, where she had to “unlearn” everything she had learned in the U.S. 关于执业法律. 例如,Bhushan说,很多时间是在美国度过的.S. 教澳博app写作简明扼要. But in India, letters, for example, are “lengthy and detailed.”

After a few years back in India, Bhushan decided she was ready to return to the U.S., determined yet again to find a place for herself in the D.C. area. While building her firm, she did contract work, including document review, for law firms. Solstrat Solutions, based in New Delhi, also has an office in Washington, D.C.

“It excites me to help companies get state incentive packages. I enjoy getting states to compete against each other to offer the best packageBhushan说. “虽然我有信心我的生意会成功, 我也知道如果没有成功, 我会振作起来,开始新的生活.
