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2024-2025 董事会 of Governors

The 提名征集 period is closed.

了解 nominations and elections timeline 并考虑在下一个选举周期中竞选理事会的席位.


在国会任职.C. 澳博app理事会或作为ABA代表提供了一个独特的机会,直接塑造全国最大的统一酒吧的未来,同时也有利于你自己的职业生涯.

As a self-governed association, 澳博app公会依赖于像你这样有奉献精神和经验丰富的领导者的承诺,他们愿意服务并帮助推进我们坚定的诚信价值观, 道德, 以及卓越的法律.

Lend your skills and expertise to help the D.C. 酒吧 advance its mission to:

  • Carry out and improve the administration of justice
  • 扩大诉诸司法的机会,向有需要的人提供法律服务
  • 培养和保持正直、能力和最高行为标准的理想
  • Safeguard the professional interests of our members
  • Lead within the legal profession

Frequently Asked Questions

D是什么?.C. 酒吧 董事会 of Governors?

理事会(BOG)对澳博app协会的事务和活动提供战略监督和总体负责. The 董事会 is composed of the following members:

  • 总统
  • 当选总统
  • 秘书
  • 财务主管
  • 财务主管-Elect
  • Immediate Past 总统
  • Fourteen (14) Lawyer Members
  • Three (3) Non-Lawyer Members (non-voting)

所有高级管理人员和有表决权的成员还担任D的董事会(BOD).C. 并由活跃的澳博app协会成员选举产生. 非澳博app成员由提名委员会推荐并经理事会批准.


理事会服务没有固定或最低时数要求, 根据会议的次数,每个成员每月承诺的时间可以从5-15小时不等, preparation time and necessary follow up. 董事会定期会议每次持续约2-3小时.  董事会委员会会议每年举行2-6次,视委员会而定.

干事需要承担的时间一般比较多, 因为他们通常是多个委员会的成员,对额外的会议负有额外的责任, reviewing meeting materials, and coordinating with 酒吧 staff.

I’ve never served on a board. 这是否会妨碍我竞选或被选为董事会成员?

No. 澳博app协会澳博app所有有兴趣为会员和澳博app协会服务的活跃会员.C. 并对澳博app协会的未来有远见. 虽然之前的领导或相关的志愿者经验是非常可取的, past board experience is not required.

I don’t live or practice in the District of Columbia. Can I still serve on the 董事会?

是的! 全活性D.C. 大澳博app公会成员即使不在地区居住或执业,也有资格服务. 成员将能够亲自(条件允许)或虚拟出席董事会会议.

Will I be expected to travel for 董事会 service?

在一般情况下, 董事会 members are not expected to travel, 当地情况允许时除外.

FAQS 关于 ABA House of Delegates Service


美国澳博app协会代表院(众议院)是负责控制和管理美国澳博app协会的机构,是协会的决策机构. It is comprised of approximately 600 members, two-thirds of whom represent state, local and special-focus bars. 协会每年召开两次会议,分别在美国澳博app协会年会和年中会议上. D.C. 澳博app协会的代表由其成员选举产生,作为澳博app协会和美国澳博app协会之间的联络人.


  • Delegates must be active members of the D.C. 酒吧 and a member of the ABA.
  • 一名代表必须在其任期开始时未满36岁,或在过去5年内首次获得澳博app执业资格(每隔一年选举一次)。.

What are ABA Delegates’ roles and responsibilities?


  • attend each meeting of the House, participate fully in its proceedings, 履行美国澳博app协会网站上所述的本院职责;
  • 会前审阅所有众议院会议材料,包括决议;
  • participate in a House Caucus or serve on a House Committee, if desired; and
  • draft, debate, and vote on resolutions.

How long is the ABA House of Delegates term?

代表的任期为2年,没有任期限制. 这个任期在8月举行的美国澳博app协会年会结束后开始.

Are Delegates required to attend meetings? If so, are they reimbursed for travel-related expenses?

美国澳博app协会代表预计每年参加两次会议:美国澳博app协会年会(通常在8月举行), 以及美国澳博app公会年中会议(通常在二月或三月举行).)


  • 年中会议:可报销往返空中/地面交通, 只要代表在会议结束时在场.
  • Annual Meetings: Travel reimbursement is not available.
  • 内务委员会会议(在年中会议和年会期间举行):只发放每日津贴.

董事会 of Governors Testimonials

Hear what current and past D.C. 澳博app公会理事会成员必须谈谈他们在理事会的服务, how it has impacted them, and their advice for prospective nominees.
